Thinning hair? No, thank you.

Few things are more important to your self-confidence than a beautiful head of hair, and if you’ve ever dealt with pattern baldness, you’ll know what we mean. 

Men have many different treatments for hair growth, as they’re more likely to experience premature balding than women. Fortunately, these hair growth products work for all hair types and can help you thicken your hair — even if you aren’t struggling with hair. 

Here are the best hair growth products for all genders. Best of all, we’ve focused on natural remedies that won’t break the bank.

What are the best products for fast hair growth?

You’ll find lots of hair vitamins or gummies there, but we’ve narrowed the list down to several options to keep things straightforward. The metrics we used for inclusion are:

  • Natural ingredients.

  • No doctor’s prescription is required.

  • High consumer approval.

If you’re concerned about your hair loss or it seems to be accelerating quickly, see your dermatologist. They might be able to perform professional hair regrowth treatments like microneedling.


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1. Rice Water 

Rice water is a natural hair growth remedy that has been around for centuries, primarily in east and southeast Asian countries. If you’re plugged into social media, you’ll know it’s taking off on TikTok, too.

Rice water is popular because it contains many nourishing vitamins and proteins to make your hair look beautiful again, including vitamin E, B vitamins, and amino acids. When applied to the hair, it increases its strength and smoothness. A 2010 paper published in the Journal of Cosmetic Chemists also noted that rice water increases hair elasticity.

To test this method, leave half a cup of uncooked rice in a bowl with 3 cups of water and let the rice soak for 30 minutes. Then, separate the water from the rice. 

Next, wash your hair with shampoo, rinse it out, and pour the rice water onto your head. Massage it into your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes. Afterward, rinse your hair using warm water. It will take several months to see these results, but we bet the stronger hair is worth it.

2. Coconut shampoo, milk, or oil 

Coconut byproducts are all the rage for skin and hair care products, and with good reason. Coconut is a natural remedy to dryness, with intense moisturizing abilities, an alluring scent, and a rich, creamy texture that feels gentle against the skin.

Scalp dryness can cause hair fall due to damaged follicles or broken hair shafts. A healthy scalp encourages natural growth, which results in thicker hair. 

For products to try:

  • Shampoos and conditioners. Store-bought hair products infused with coconut byproducts are common. If you’re lucky, you’ll run across a shampoo option that has other growth-promoting extracts, too.

  • Coconut milk. If you massage this byproduct into your hair and let it sit for ten minutes before rinsing, it can decrease dryness and damage.

  • Coconut oil. This ingredient works best for those with curly or extremely dry hair. At night before bed, warm the oil between your hands before lathering it onto your hair where it feels the driest. If your hair is thin, skip the scalp area as the oil can weigh down your roots. If it isn’t, try massaging it into the scalp. We recommend leaving it overnight, but even letting it sit for an hour before you shower will make a difference.

3. Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera is a hair care product that many say has growth-promoting qualities.

This plant byproduct contains dozens of active ingredients, including amino acids, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Because nutritional deficiencies lead to hair loss, aloe works as a preventative measure. Claims that aloe can regrow hair require more evidence at this time, but it can’t hurt to try. 

Because of this, it’s better to think of aloe products as part of your solution to fixing damaged hair follicles and not the gold standard.

4. Eggs 

How fast does hair grow? The answer is very quickly if you’re eating eggs.

Besides being an excellent breakfast food, eggs are rich in protein, zinc, and biotin, which promote healthy hair and nails. They’re so effective because a protein deficiency sends your scalp into a “resting” phase, which can lead to hair thinning or shedding several months later. Eggs correct this deficiency. 

Beyond just eating them, you can also use an egg hair mask by mixing an egg and a tablespoon of oil. After you wash your hair with shampoo, let the mask rest on your hair for several minutes before rinsing it out and conditioning it.

5. Onion juice 

Do you mind the smell of onions? Do you love using kitchen ingredients for DIY hair masks? Then onion juice is a natural remedy that you should consider.

Although applying onions to your hair may seem counterintuitive (Who wants to go around smelling like a kitchen?), this solution works because onions contain collagen-promoting and antibacterial properties. 

To put it into practice, peel four onions and extract the juice using a juicer. You can also blend it into a paste and squeeze the juice out that way. Apply the onion juice to your roots twice a day, and use a fragrant essential oil to dull down the scent.

6. Rosemary oil or rosemary products 

If you want to know how to make your hair grow fast, rosemary oil is known as the ultimate hair loss solution, regardless of your natural hair texture or hairstyle that you wear. 

This essential oil is a culinary herb with other medicinal uses. According to a study published by Neuroscience Research, rosemary oil’s success comes down to its anti-inflammatory properties, its ability to improve blood flow, and how it promotes nerve growth via carnosic acid. 

Rosemary oil and its byproducts can also be used to control dandruff or relieve an itchy scalp. Just massage it in after showering. 

7. Scalp massagers

Another way to deal with hair loss? Scalp massagers!

Although you wouldn’t assume these tools stimulate growth, they can do wonders by exfoliating the scalp. Clearing away dead skin cells or shampoo residue can clear up blocked follicles that prevent hair from growing at full speed. 

What if nothing seems to work?

If none of these natural remedies work for you, try turning to store bought products like Rogaine or Nutrafol. Try a strengthening shampoo to improve your scalp health and increase your hair density. 

You can purchase hair growth serums or oral supplements marketed for hair growth — but many of these will contain the ingredients listed above.


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How do hair growth products work? And why does my hair fall out?

Hair regrowth products often work by replenishing nutrients that we lack in our bodies. As always, you should consider a consultation with your doctor about your hair loss before trying anything new.

Triggers for hair loss range from hormonal imbalances to dietary changes. With some of these more common causes, store-bought hair growth products can quickly work their magic if you use the right solution for the right problem. 

Like eggs, you can add several other foods to your diet to prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth. Iron  or vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause your hair to stop growing, and, in extreme cases, hair loss. Try adding foods high in micronutrients, antioxidants, and fatty acids to your diet for healthier hair:

  • Fatty fish

  • Leafy greens

  • Fruit

  • Nuts and seeds 

How much does hair grow in a month? On average, your hair will grow one-half inch per month, but that depends on how expertly you treat it.

Unfortunately, sometimes the reason why you’re losing your hair might be  serious. Underlying health conditions or side effects from conditions can lead to serious complications down the road if left untreated. Hair loss can become permanent, too, and no hair growth supplements will work.

Using too much product can also slow your hair growth. Buildup on your scalp from silicones or harsh products can lead to breakage and harm your scalp health. Make sure you occasionally use a shampoo that will remove product buildup.


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How long does it take for hair growth products to start working?

If your hair growth issue isn’t permanent, the length of time for effective treatment varies. In general, you can expect to see some results within one to six months. If the situation doesn’t improve past that point, you’ll need to make a choice: either stop using your product, switch to a new one, or seek out a doctor for consultation.

How to use hair growth products

Although you may be choosing a product based on the type best suited for your hair, the way you apply that product can influence your decision.

Different ways to use these products include:

  • Vitamin supplements, ingested orally.

  • Topical creams applied to the roots of your hair.

  • Spray mixtures applied to the head in aerosol form.

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