About Gopuff Ads

About Gopuff

Groceries, Alcohol, Home Essentials & more. Order in seconds, delivered in minutes.
Gopuff delivers all of your daily needs right to your door - or wherever you are! We store about 4,000 products in each Gopuff location, so when you order, your stuff goes directly from us to you. We don’t charge surge pricing because we’re not a courier service, and because we’re delivering directly instead of picking it up from the store, we deliver fast.

Gopuff Ads suite of solutions

The first instant Ads platform and the future of advertising. We collapse the marketing funnel from impression to consumption in 20 minutes.
At Gopuff Ads, we have marketing and ads solutions to meet your goals and budget. 
You will be able to promote your products in Gopuff's consumer shopping experience across both app and web. Track the performance of those SKUs directly within the Gopuff Ads platform.
Our core suite includes:
  • In-app Featured Product
    • Sponsored Search
    • Sponsored Products
    • Sponsored Carousel
  • In-app Display 
  • Off-platform Audience Extension
  • Product Sampling
  • Data & Insights
Using the Gopuff digital store is the most effective way to work with us and leverage Gopuff Ads to reach your customers.
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Join our new Instant Sampling Program

Get your products in the hands of customers in minutes and drive broad trial and awareness by delighting customers with a surprise in-bag sample and marketing insert.
Accelerate Revenue
Accelerate your brand’s trial, consideration, and sales with valuable audiences
Expand Fanbase
Reach customers who haven’t yet purchased your product or brand
Amplify Trade Promos
Amplify planned promotions and marketing initiatives
Gain Valuable Insights
Measure impact through close-loop post-sample customer analysis

Own the digital shelf and point of purchase - only pay for engagement

Sponsored Product Ads - Your ads will show up wherever your customers are, whether that is the homepage, category, sub-category, or shelf.
Sponsored Search Ads - Be the first brand to appear in search results based on key terms, ensuring that you stay among the highest intent shoppers.

In-app display touchpoints deliver shoppable brand messaging

Learn more

Get Started

To get started, register for the Gopuff Ads Platform by filling out the form here. You will receive an email from our team with details to activate your account. 
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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to set up ads?
You can create a new account and see your ad live on the Gopuff website or app all in less than 15 minutes.‌
What will I be charged for?
Gopuff has a Cost-Per-Click payment model. You will only be charged when a customer clicks on your ad.  Our brand partners pay for actions, not impressions.
Am I locked into a contract or can I cancel anytime?
Gopuff gives brand partners the ability to pause their campaigns and come back at any time, which means you will never have to worry about lock-in contacts.‌
Should I use Gopuff to launch advertising campaigns for new products?
Yes, Gopuff will ensure your new product has the optimal chance of reaching your target audience and our reporting offers key uptake insights.‌
My organic sales on Gopuff are great. Why should I launch a paid campaign?
Gopuff Ads has the power to deliver incremental sales for brand partners. Broadcast your product to the right customers while they’re shopping for similar items.
Can I set campaigns to go live on a particular date in the future?
Yes. With our ad scheduling feature, you can set a future campaign launch date, giving you complete control and freedom to "set and forget".‌
What happens if my product is out of stock?
You will never be charged for an ad if your product is out of stock. Your product may still show to customers but impressions or clicks will not be registered against your ad campaign.
What keywords will help me target the right customers?
The Gopuff team can help optimize partners’ campaigns, offering keyword suggestions and more to ensure your brand gets in front of the right customers.‌
What Reporting Metrics do I receive and what do they mean?
Under your Campaigns dashboard, you will see "Campaigns" and "Products" reports. This is where you can glean your real-time data across different metrics. Your dashboard will display: 
  • Maximum Spend Value: The total possible spend, specified for each ad campaign (specified by campaign creator). 
  • Max CPC (Max Cost Per Click): The highest amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad (specified by the campaign creator). 
  • Imp (Impressions): Total number of times an ad is shown after winning an auction and within viewport. This is not counted when your product is seen on the retailer site when it is not sponsored.
  • Clicks: Count of total clicks on an ad. This is the sum of clicks to the product detail page and clicks to the cart. 
  • Cnvs (Conversions): Count of purchases from a clicked ad. 
  • Sales: Units or quantity sold, attributed to clicks on the ad. For example, if someone clicks on your sponsored ad and buys 3 units, the report shows 1 Cnvs and 3 Sales in that product row.
  • CTR (Click Through Rate): The ratio of clicks to impressions, represented as a percentage.
  • Conv Rate (Conversion Rate): The ratio of purchases to clicks, represented as a percentage.
  • CPC (Cost Per Click): The average CPC paid for the specific campaign or product.
  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): The ratio of cost to sales, represented as a $ value.
  • Sales $: Gross sales value, list price before discounts, of products purchased as the result of an ad click.
  • ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): Sales ($) divided by cost ($), represented as a percentage. For example, ROAS of 1000% for a campaign means the campaign generates $10 in Sales for every $1 spent with Gopuff Ads.
Impression share: Total number of ad placements in which the campaign appears, divided by the total number of placements available. This is the number of impressions of products within a specific campaign served, compared to the total available for where the campaign is eligible to appear. If the impression share value is in red, the campaign is winning less than 20% of the available placements; orange means the campaign is winning between 20% and 50% of available placements. Placements are eligible positions for the ads, based on category and subcategory. For Product Ads there can be more than one placement per page, if there are 10 Product Ads requested for a page, the total number of placements is 10.
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