Bath & Beauty

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips: Exercises That Actually Work

Feeling self-conscious about your hips and want to change their shape? Here’s how to get rid of hip dips through an exercise routine.

March 24, 2022

Everyone’s is a little self-conscious about something. Some people are worried about their nose or mouth, while others are insecure about their hair, weight, or height. 

Another common concern is hip dips, or the little divots on either side of your body between your hip and the top of your thigh bone.

If you’d like to have a smoother silhouette, here’s how to get rid of hip dips with exercise and tackle that insecurity.

What are hip dips?

They’re a colloquial term for the inward curve between your lower hip bone and your upper femur joint. They can also be known as “violin hips.” It’s a very standard feature. 

If you’re facing a mirror and looking for them, they’ll appear like dents on either side of your body. Hip dips can be minimal and barely noticeable. Other times, they can be prominent due to the shape of your pelvis or body’s weight distribution.

While hip dips aren’t new, interest has risen in them over the years because of dietary trends that target them. For women specifically, it stems from societal pressure to have a smooth hourglass figure.

What causes hip dips?

Hip dips are a visible manifestation of your body type and fat distribution. The shape of your pelvis and how it connects to the rest of your bone structure will influence how these hip dips “sit.” 

For example, if you have a high hip bone placement, your hip dips will be more prominent because there’s more space between your femur and your pelvis to create indentations. Hip dips can become more apparent after pregnancy, too, because of how pregnancy affects your body’s weight distribution. 

It’s important to stress that no matter the placement of your pelvis, hip dips are benign. The appearance of hip dips doesn’t signal some underlying health condition or defect — they’re simply a result of your body structure. 

Are hip dips normal?

Yes. They’re not even an indicator of obesity, nor are hip dips a sign of undereating or a person struggling to include exercise in their work-life balance; athletes and muscular individuals can also have hip dips. 

Instead, the preoccupation with hip dips and whether they’re “normal” is purely cosmetic. And while you can have a personal preference for “no dips,” it’s essential to acknowledge the societal roots of the issue and how unhealthy attitudes toward it may warp your perception. Focusing on a healthy diet, sports drinks, vitamin supplements, and a daily exercise routine will do more for your body shape than following any beauty trend. 

Hip dips have taken the place of “love handles” on social media as the thing to avoid. “Love handles” are the excess skin or fat sitting at the waist, at the top of your jeans. 

While your body’s bone structure influences hip dips, they’re something you can’t change, and love handles result from your weight and fat distribution. You can alter your body fat percentage with diet, exercise, and general weight loss, but you can’t reduce fat from a specific part of your body.

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Is it possible to get rid of hip dips?

Not really, even if you have the assistance of a personal trainer. 

If your hip dips are caused by a combination of fatty tissue and bone structure, it’s possible to minimize them through exercise. However, if your pelvic bones create your hip dips, there’s no perfect way to remove them from your silhouette. 

Instead, it may be better to approach the idea of getting rid of hip dips as an “I want this body part to feel better.” Then, you can focus on making your appearance as beautiful as you desire through regular healthy routines. 

Should you worry about how to get rid of curves?

No, you shouldn’t worry — so stop those anxious thoughts! 

Unfortunately, though, beauty standards put a lot of pressure on a person. Even if you’re aware that those standards are wrong, we understand it may be difficult to accept.

If you want a list of exercises for flat buttocks or uneven outer thighs, here are some healthy hip dip exercises for strength training and increasing your overall muscle mass. 

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How to minimize hip dips

The good thing about hip dip exercises is that they’re at a beginner’s level and only require your body weight. You can use dumbbells or resistance bands for a more advanced approach in these exercises or simply add some reps to make it harder.

The tools you’ll need

  • A space to stretch.

  • A yoga or workout mat.

  • A fitness bench.

Optional tools

  • Dumbbells.

  • Resistance bands.

The exercises for a hip dips workout

Hip abductions: These exercises are low impact but incredibly powerful. They’re done by lying on your side on a mat with your ankles stacked on top of each other and bracing your head with one hand. Next, raise your top leg toward the ceiling before lowering it slowly, controlling the lift from your glute. This builds muscle control and strength. One leg raise is one rep. 

Lunges: This classic hip, stomach, and posterior-focused exercise is done by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step your right leg forward and drop the opposite leg until your back knee is close to the ground. Hold the position for a moment, and then straighten your front leg, driving through your front heel to return to your starting point. You should feel this in the glute of the leg in front. Switch positions (left leg forward) to make sure you’re training both sides evenly. 

Squats: Primarily for your inner thighs and glutes, squats require a starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Move into a squatting position by bending your knees and pushing your hips backward until your calves and knees form a 90 angle. Keep your arms in front as you rise into a standing position again. Like in your lunge, push yourself back to standing through your heels to engage your glutes. 

Planks: This exercise is designed to work your core muscles. Lay on the ground with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Next, straighten your arms to lift yourself off the ground, keep them straight, and hold. When you start to feel the burn along your lower back and outer thighs, slowly lower yourself to the mat. Make sure you aren’t pushing your hips into the air, but keep your body straight from your head to your ankles.

Bench step-ups: Grab a fitness bench and stand next to it, lengthwise. Step onto the bench, pushing yourself up through the foot that is on the bench; your other foot should be for balance more than assistance. Once you’re standing, slowly lower your foot to the ground. This is one rep. You can either complete a series of reps on one leg or alternate. 

Fire hydrants: These are best for building muscle mass in your gluteus medius. Brace yourself on your hands and knees with a neutral spine and look down. Keeping your knee bent and locked at a 90-degree angle, open your leg out at a 45-degree angle, then lower it for a complete rep. (Think of a dog peeing on a fire hydrant.)

Glute bridges: For this exercise, lay flat on your back with your knees bent, and toes pointed. Using the force behind your feet, push through your heels to lift your hips up, until your shoulders are on the ground, but you’ve created a slope down your thighs to your head. Then let your body sink back to the ground with control to complete a rep. 

Your workout routine

Depending on the results, you’ll want to complete the following 3-4 times per week: 

  • Lunges, 1 set with 20 reps per leg.

  • Bench step-ups, 2 sets with 15 reps per leg.

  • Squats, 3 sets with 12 reps.

  • Fire hydrants, 3 sets with 10 reps.

  • Planks, 3 sets, 30 to 60 seconds apiece.

  • Hip abductions, 3 sets with 12 reps.

  • Glute bridges, 3 sets with 15 reps. 

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