PowerS´X is a supplement with a concentrated action that offers a better sexual performance. Highly effective in maintaining strong and long-lasting erections, as well as delaying ejaculation and the refractory time between orgasms.
Comes in presentation of 1 personal package with 4 tablets. *
1 tablet has an effect between 3-6 hours.
Take 1 or 2 tablets 30 minutes before the relationship.
As it is a Natural product it does not have the harmful effects that products with chemical compounds can have. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or lactating.
It is a supplement based on natural extracts, plants and amino acids, managing to combine in a unique and exclusive formula, intensifying the virtues of the most recognized aphrodisiac nutrients that act in the body naturally to increase desire and sensation of sexual pleasure. Instead of trying alternatives that can affect the health of your heart and saturate your body with unnecessary chemicals, you can try natural alternatives that have proven effective in fighting erectile dysfunction without generating addiction or other conditions, as well as additional positive effects such as increased sexual desire and vitality in general.
Components: * L-Arginine: It is the amino acid responsible for enhancing the erection. This amino acid has shown that it is capable of improving irrigation and tissue oxygenation, reducing fatigue and increasing recovery.
* Borojó: Natural fruit of the Colombian Chocoan forest, it is famous for its aphrodisiac properties in men and women and recognized energizer.
* Chontaduro: Powerful aphrodisiac, increases desire and sexual capacity.
* Guarana: Fruit originating in the Colombian Amazon, famous for being a sexual enhancer, energizer and revitalizer.
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